From Rote Memorization to Critical Thinking: Comprehensive Education Blogs

From Rote Memorization to Critical Thinking: Comprehensive Education Blogs

  • What to Look for in a Public School for a Special Needs Child

    Special needs children are often integrated into traditional public schools and thrive among their peers. As a parent, you worry about your child getting access to the educational assistance and medical or psychological help they need in order to effectively socialize and learn in a public school setting, but maybe you don't want to limit your young one to special needs schools. Here are things to look for when selecting a public school for your special needs child.

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From Rote Memorization to Critical Thinking: Comprehensive Education Blogs

True learning involves lots of different elements, and they run the gamut from memorizing times tables to engaging critically with complicated philosophical ideas. As a parent, you probably want the best education for your child, bu how do you identify that? Do some approaches work better for some kids than others? What about learning disabilities? How can you help your child with homework you don't understand? In this blog, I am going to explore questions like that, and ultimately, I hope these posts help you find the best education for your child. Best wishes and happy learning. My name is Molly, and I'm so excited to be along for part of this journey with you.
